====== Testing DokuWiki as my new blog platform .. ====== {{tag>[computer blog software]}} Just decided to start a public personal blog again. So took five different software solutions and spend two days to test them all here is my experience. I tested **FB Pages**, **Blogger**, **Ghost**,** Wordpress** and finally ended up using my favorite wiki software .. ==== Ghost ==== **Ghost** or how can someone develop such crap ;) ? https://ghost.org/ is the Homepage of this software.\\ It is developed with Nodejs, and imho just crap .. cheers just kidding. no it is a decent software which is missing tons of features. Enough for newbies (but it is actually not too easy to setup for a newbie). After installing it .. which requires you use an old version of Nodejs you can publish articles on the web .. with a nice design and some beautiful layout .. that is it. No search, no content info, bad documentation included .. wth .. NO SEARCH .. is a killing point for me .. how can any decent developer code such stuff? There is a search based on the Ghost Api .. on GitHub but it is overaged and crappy. Anyway there is they offer some software for mac/win that makes editing life easier .. .. still if you do not host it yourself, their pricing is very steep .. imho DO NOT USE IT FOR THE NEXT 2-3 YEARS :P .. (have a look at their roadmap) https://trello.com/b/EceUgtCL/ghost-roadmap ... ==== WordPress ==== **WordPress* the monster ... Wordpress is not a blog software any more. It is a operating system and also a security nightmare.